Bachelor Billionaires…They’re Selling like Hotcakes!

 I belong to a cheap bookbuying club that discounts all kinds of books. It lets you pick from a few different genres, and every day you have the option of selecting anywhere from 5 to 7 options. I’ve found some excellent reads there. But if you’ve even hinted that you can handle a romance novel,Continue reading “Bachelor Billionaires…They’re Selling like Hotcakes!”

Don’t Let Me Die Wearing Gray Underpants

 Comfortable underwear has been my jam since I grew old enough to care. My preferred fabric is cotton, my style, granny. Back when I was nine months pregnant with our first child, I took to wearing my husband’s cotton jockey shorts because nothing else fit me. When Clarence saw me, his face fell, like this.Continue reading “Don’t Let Me Die Wearing Gray Underpants”

If I Were in Charge of Time

 I was listening to the Current on CBC radio, where professor Rob Cockcroft discussed the construct of time. In other words, humans created the idea of time. Five thousand years ago, people like the Babylonians and Egyptians decided they needed to measure the day in hours. “The slaves are working 24/7 on that pyramid,” boastedContinue reading “If I Were in Charge of Time”

I’m in the Soup

I appreciate the way my children take note of the things I love. For Christmas, I received one of my favourites gifts: a box of bath bombs. Baths are especially important for people who love to read. You can’t take your book into the shower, but you can soak for hours while indulging your needContinue reading “I’m in the Soup”

I Need a Little More of That Sha Na Na.

 I used to work with my mother. How it happened was she showed up at my front door the  day after she retired from nursing, wanting to help me with my home business. I’d designed a baby carrier, started selling it mail order and then online. Stores were showing interest, and mom thought I neededContinue reading “I Need a Little More of That Sha Na Na.”

Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

My sister Linda is a bit like a character from a 1950’s musical—a good girl who likes to sing and doesn’t have time for rule breakers. Frankly, the world would be in a better place if she were in charge of things. Like world peace. ‘That’ll be enough of that!’ she’d tell Putin. The MiddleContinue reading “Girl With the Dragon Tattoo”

It’ a Stepford Family Christmas, Someone Bring the Cheese

(A repeat at the request of my friend, John Taylor) There are some hallways I will never enter. Strange doors I will never step through, and belief systems I cannot embrace. I’m talking not about scientology. It’s the appeal of the Hallmark channel with its 24/7 Christmas movies that I cannot understand. I know fullContinue reading “It’ a Stepford Family Christmas, Someone Bring the Cheese”